The Skilled Labor Shortage
How to Make Home Inspections Painless
Home inspections are like trips to the DMV. You don’t look forward to them, but you’ll have to get through them to get what you want. In this case, it’s a move. What is a home inspection, anyway? For the uninitiated: a pre-listing home inspection is an official evaluation of the structures and systems comprising a property and is performed by an accredited professional.

Home inspections are an inevitable part of real estate, whether you’re a seller or a buyer. So how do you breeze through an inspection with the least amount of anxiety and stress? Here are our favorite tactics for keeping your head clear and your eyes on the prize.
For sellers: pre-listing home inspection tips
Pre-listing home inspections are not required for homeowners, but they give sellers an upper hand. Their benefits aren’t entirely obvious, so let’s break it down:
Be in control when you list your property for sale
An objective professional home inspection makes setting a price for your property an easier task. You can repair or renovate your house before buyers find deferred maintenance issues or damages, and you’ll build rapport with interested buyers if you share your pre-listing inspection findings.
Negotiate with confidence
Homes that undergo pre-listing inspections generally achieve better selling outcomes than homes that do not. Getting your home inspected before listing affords you more control in the selling process. Without a pre-listing home inspection and the information it reveals about the condition of your property, you could have a headache or worse – unexpected sky-high costs, spooked buyers, and less money from your sale.
How to sail through a pre-listing home inspection

- Give yourself plenty of time. After securing a partnership with a real estate agent, a pre-listing home inspection should be the next item on your to-do list. You’ll learn about issues that may require extensive construction. Get your home inspected with plenty of time before listing so that you can make plans to increase your home’s value with the needed home inspection repairs. Did you know Curbio offers pre-listing inspections?
- Get ahead of the repairs that could be reg flags. One way or another, you’ll find out if there are issues with your home that impede your sale. Why not find out ahead of time and make the needed repairs? Curbio works with homeowners and real estate exclusively for this reason. We make recommendations for renovations and home improvements and then project manage our end-to-end services.
- Share your findings with interested buyers. The transparency and proaction will make buyers trust you and legitimize the condition and price of your home when you list. In today’s shifting market, building trust with buyers can make a deal.
For buyers and sellers: home inspection prowess with the Inspection Report Tool
We’re excited to announce the release of the Curbio App with cutting-edge prop tech features. The Inspection Report Tool is one of those exciting features. It helps buyers and sellers negotiate repairs and concessions once a home inspection report is prepared for interested buyers in the diligence process.
Here’s how it works: once a home inspection report is uploaded to Curbio’s app, it is parsed out per issue. At this point, both parties can highlight and annotate items with requests to repair or forego. Both the sellers and buyers can respond to highlighted problems and comments. Negotiations and plans for repair happen through a simple process within the app, streamlining communications and keeping repairs timely. Find us in the app store today!
Don’t sweat home inspections
Eliminate the stress of buying and selling. Take advantage of the innovative solutions at your fingertips: with Curbio, home improvements and home inspection repairs are hassle-free and affordable for homeowners, homebuyers, and real estate agents. Learn more.